If you have been directly linked to this page by me, it is because I care about the fact that we shared something in common for a moment, but I began to feel that somewhere along our conversation you dropped the ball and made grave misunderstandings/simplifications about our world, and in doing so ultimately do harm to your future self.

A note to cookers

The problems of our current world is far more simple than what these global conspiracy theories will have you believe, but the answer to how we will solve our problems is far more complex and rewarding to interact with than the solutions to these conspiracy theories of yours (if they are even given). I do not blame you for toying with the possibility that there are powerful people who are doing absolutely horrible things, there are plenty of unclassified documents that have proven this to be true. However there is little use in enveloping yourself in paranoid theories. The leaked COINTELPRO documents show that planting paranoia amongst anti-war groups is an effective way for the FBI to stifle their activism.

Only read as much as you need to convince yourself that we need to axe the government, then I recommend spending the rest of your time figuring out exactly HOW we are going to get rid of the government, and exactly how we can destroy unquestioned authorities and non-consensual hierarchies.

Too often I see people get a hang of how corrupt the government is, only to conclude that there is something wrong with just this government. Do not replace your initial skepticism with something else that destroys your capacity as a rational individual.

A note to hippies

The world is far more complex than any mystical explanation can provide, and it keeps giving questions the more you ask. While it may feel that you are tapping into an unknown and ancient world when you interact with or discuss subjects such as astrology, crystal energy, energy healing, astral projection, sacred geometry, and binaural beats, you are in fact diminishing your ability to understand the complexities of the world when you attach yourself to a theory that hails itself as "out of this world".

Instead, being critical and skeptical about our material world will lead you down extremely deep rabbit-holes on subjects such as mathematics, philosophy, modern science, alternative science, and the occult. These broad subjects can be an eternal giving of patterned information which you can communicate because of their replicability. Seeing your reality tunnel into mysticism or unfalsifiable claims of the world does nothing but create more blind spots. A position from which you are powerless to interact with others in any meaningful way because the building of dialogue between your Self and its creations (the "outside world") fails to account for shared patterns. In other words, you've been given the gift of placebo and apophenia and squandered it by failing to test the extent of the observed patterns against these biases, and in doing so, limited your ability to understand the world.

Our universe is not beautiful because it is inherently mysterious and inexplainable, but because it has embedded predictable patterns which are so complex that we will never understand it completely, yet we are gifted with the ability to make a start on it.

A note on terminology

The term cooker here refers to someone who has rightly rejected the current global narrative of the ruling class and replaced it with another narrative that is equally or less rational, and far more conspiratorial. This includes, but is not limited to: flat earth theory, COVID conspiracy theories, reptilian Obama theory, etc. In other words, my gripe with cookers is purely that they have taken the correct route of being skeptical about a commonly held belief, but then failed to apply that same skepticism to a competing theory, because they didn't see the overarching problem of non-consensual social and economic hierarchies.

"Hippies" (for lack of a better term) appear to follow a similar pattern as cookers and can also be cookers themselves. Their competing theory is one that aims to describe the physical world in completeness using something "out of this world" (e.g. energy healing). Alternatively they replace philosophical discussion with mysticism and once again aim for completeness in an incomplete system, sometimes using things "of this world" (e.g. drugs).

Page last edited on 6 May 2024.